
Steve Acunto is affiliated with the following organizations and institutions:

Hon. Vice Consulate of Italy, NY State [site]
Consular Corps College [site]
Italian Academy Foundation [site]

ARIAS-US [site]
AIDA [site]
IFNY [site]

John Cabot University [site] La Scuola Italiana [site]
The College of Mt. St. Vincent [site]
State University of New York (SUNY) [site]
New York University Casa Italiana [site]
The Montfort Academy [site]
Archives Partnership Trust of the State of New York [site]
American Institute of Verdi Studies at N.Y.U. [site]
American Society of the Italian Legions of Merit [site]
Gruppo Esponenti Italiani [site]
Council of Presidents of Italian Organizations

Metropolitan Opera [site]